Welcome to Your Homework Page.
No Homework during Week 5
Welcome to Your Homework Page.
Welcome to your homework page.
You are expected to complete your homework to the best of your ability.
Work should be completed in your homework book and is due back at school on Friday morning.
Term 2 Week 5
This week your homework is to create a brochure for the Brook Sanctuary. Now that we have finally been to the Sanctuary you need to create a brochure for someone who has not been there before. Your brochure will need photos, information about the Brook Sanctuary, convincing reasons for why visitors should go there. You could also include a map showing how to get there.
Term 1 Week 5
This week your homework is to complete the Kiwi Kids News sheet including the "Soundtrack of My Life" activity.
More information can be found on the Kiwi Kids News website. The password is: pavlova17
At this level of the school there will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
Spelling homework will begin this week
Term 1 Week 4
This week your homework is to complete the Kiwi Kids News sheet including the poem "where I am from"
More information can be found on the Kiwi Kids News website. The password is: pavlova17
At this level of the school there will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
Spelling homework will begin next week
Term 4 Week 8
Personal Inquiry – This week we start your personal inquiry about a country of your choice. There is one main task that you need to complete;
1. Fact page about the country – You need to create a fact page about a country of your choice. Make sure that it includes all the most important information (population, leader, what continent, history, food) and also mark it on the map provided. You can also add any pictured that you would like to include.
Term 4 Week 7
Term 4 Week 6
You will also need to read different articles from Kiwi Kids News and write a short description about these (on the front page).
Term 4 Week 4
Term 4 Week 3
Term 4 Week 2
Term 3 Week 7
No homework this week unless you are finishing your speeches.
Term 3 Week 6
As discussed in class, over the next week you will write your speech on one of the following topics;
My list of seven wonders of the world today
What would we do without electricity
The weirdest words in the language.....how to say them and how to use them
The beginners guide to using a Smartphone; How to teach your granny
Listen to your parents
My secret life as.....(your choice)
Speeches are to be between 3-5 minutes in length.
You have an extra couple of days for this homework but your speech must be ready by Monday 5th September when we will have our class competition.
Ms Hampson is happy to listen to your speech at any time if you would like some feedback before class presentations.
Click on the link HERE for some speechwriting tips.
Term 3 Week 5
For homework this week your main task is to create an Olympic montage. For help with this go to the Kiwi Kids website: http://kiwikidsnews.co.nz/week-5-term-3-2016/
Remember that the password is fern16
If you need any help with homework this week, bring it in and show me.
Term 2 Week 6
This week there will be a mid term homework break due to the short week. Please continue to practice your times tables and keep reading each night.
Term 2 Week 4
This week you have 3 different tasks for homework.
There is a basic facts Maths sheet to complete.
An antonym worksheet to complete - remember that antonyms are two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite of each other.
Spelling also needs to be practiced every day and we will be testing these words on Friday.
At this level of the school there will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
Term 1 week 3
Bring your homework book back to school on Friday for marking.
Term 4 2014
Week 7, 8
You will have a maths worksheet and spelling lists to learn each week for homework. Make sure you are reading independently at home (choose a chapter book from the school library). We are having dress rehearsals soon for our school production, so make sure your costume is organised. There will be no homework in week 10.
Week 6
You will have a maths worksheet and spelling lists to learn this week for homework. Make sure you are reading independently at home (choose a chapter book from the school library). Get your costume organised for our school performance and bring it to school in a named plastic bag.
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2
No homework for our last week of the term.
Week 9
Traditional Medicinal Plants of NZ
Week 8
Week 7
Bird Quiz
Answer the following questions about native NZ birds in your homework book. Many of the answers can be found by visiting the Kiwi Conservation Club link below and using the search bar at the top right hand of the page.
Kiwi Conservation Club Link
1. The purple swamp hen, a bird often seen around much of New Zealand, is known by which Maori name?
A) Takahe
B) Kaka
C) Kiwi
D) Pukeko
2. When taking a walk through the bush in New Zealand you may often notice a little bird cheeping brightly and following you through the trees. This is the fantail. Why is it following you?
A) It knows that humans will scare away its main predator, the stoat.
B) It is looking for insects stirred up when people walk through the bush.
C) It has grown tame and is waiting for you to give it some of your sandwich.
We are continuing with Measurement this week.
See your teacher on Monday for your homework task.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
Imagine a place... where native plants and animals thrive, without threat from introduced pests. ... alive with birdsong, where rare species such as kiwi, tuatara and kakapo roam freely. ... where you can get involved and make a difference. ... where visitors can see native flora and fauna close to home.
The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is a community-based initiative working to create a pest-free wildlife sanctuary close to the Nelson city centre in New Zealand. Integral to creating the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is construction of a pest-proof fence 14km long, to enclose the area, and to eradicate all the pest mammals within it. This will enable the re-creation of a historic piece of New Zealand which today is only found on a few offshore islands. Resident birds, reptiles and invertebrates will flourish and species previously lost from the area will be re-introduced. The project was launched in 2004 and has strong community involvement and support.
Brook Waimarama Sanctuary
Week 3
This week you will begin to plan and draft your speech. We have briefly discussed this already in class. On Monday your teacher will give you a planning sheet and a judging sheet so you can get started. Speeches should be 3 - 5 mins in length.
The topics this year are:
Advertisements can be harmful.
Freedom of speech should have limits.
Boy bands should be banned.
Superman vs Superdad.
Age and experience is better than youth and enthusiasm.
Are humans more intelligent than other animals?
Basic Facts Practice: See your teacher.
Here is a link for you to practise your multiplication and division online:
Mult/Div Practice online
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
No Homework in Week 1

Week 8
Religious Education
Listen to the audio or read the passage about Saint Paul.
1. Why was Saul on his way to Damascus?
2. Finish this sentence. Saul fell to the ground and a voice said "Saul, Saul ......"
3. How long was Saul blinded for?
4. After Saul was healed, how did he feel and what did he decide to do?
5. Saul was guilty of many sins including the killing of Christians, but God forgave him of even such a great sin. God will forgive us of our sins if we ...?
Week 7
Current Events
Week 6
Term 2 Week 5
This week your homework is to create a brochure for the Brook Sanctuary. Now that we have finally been to the Sanctuary you need to create a brochure for someone who has not been there before. Your brochure will need photos, information about the Brook Sanctuary, convincing reasons for why visitors should go there. You could also include a map showing how to get there.
You can choose how to make and present your brochure - options include Canva, google docs, microsoft word or straight on paper.
Term 1 Week 5
This week your homework is to complete the Kiwi Kids News sheet including the "Soundtrack of My Life" activity.
More information can be found on the Kiwi Kids News website. The password is: pavlova17
At this level of the school there will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
Spelling homework will begin this week
Term 1 Week 4
This week your homework is to complete the Kiwi Kids News sheet including the poem "where I am from"
More information can be found on the Kiwi Kids News website. The password is: pavlova17
At this level of the school there will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
Spelling homework will begin next week
Term 4 Week 8
Personal Inquiry – This week we start your personal inquiry about a country of your choice. There is one main task that you need to complete;
1. Fact page about the country – You need to create a fact page about a country of your choice. Make sure that it includes all the most important information (population, leader, what continent, history, food) and also mark it on the map provided. You can also add any pictured that you would like to include.
Term 4 Week 7
Mount Everest – Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and holds a special place in New Zealand’s history. This week you have to do a short study of this amazing mountain.
Use the resources below to find information about the mountain. In your homework booklet you must find 3 images of the mountain and put them down the left hand side.
On the right hand side you must find 10 facts.
Term 4 Week 6
Rivers, Seas and Lakes – This
week there is a selection of mountains, rivers, seas and lakes that you need to
show on your map. Visit the Kiwi Kids News website for information, resources
and a list of places you need to put on your map (list of places also below).
Kiwi Kids Password: fern16
Kiwi Kids Password: fern16
You will also need to read different articles from Kiwi Kids News and write a short description about these (on the front page).
Everest (29,035 feet) – Asia
Aconcagua (22,834 feet) – South America
Denali (20,310 feet) – North America.
Kilimanjaro (19,339 feet) – Africa.
Elbrus (18,510 feet)
Vinson (16,067 feet) – Antarctica.
Carstensz (16,023 feet)
Kosciuszko (7,310 feet)
Everest (29,035 feet) – Asia
Aconcagua (22,834 feet) – South America
Denali (20,310 feet) – North America.
Kilimanjaro (19,339 feet) – Africa.
Elbrus (18,510 feet)
Vinson (16,067 feet) – Antarctica.
Carstensz (16,023 feet)
Kosciuszko (7,310 feet)
Term 4 Week 4
This week for homework you need to complete the kiwi kids news sheet. The main task on the back of the sheet is to name and find the different landmarks from around the world and to show the countries on the map.
You will also need to read different articles from kiwi kids news and write a short description about these (on the front page).
Term 4 Week 3
Your homework for week 3 is to create a poster/book cover of your favourite book. To create your poster/book cover you can use the canva website that we used in class last week.
The login for canva is:
Password: kotuku16
You need to make sure that your poster looks colourful and exciting. Remember that it needs to be relevant to your favourite book, we will share and look at these as a class on Friday.
Term 4 Week 2
This week your homework is to locate the 7 continents of the
world and also the countries selected on Kiwi Kids News.
To view the homework page you need to log in using the
password fern16 and then follow Term 4 Week 1 homework instructions.
Here is a link to a world map: http://www.mapsofworld.com/
Term 3 Week 7
No homework this week unless you are finishing your speeches.
Term 3 Week 6
As discussed in class, over the next week you will write your speech on one of the following topics;
My list of seven wonders of the world today
What would we do without electricity
The weirdest words in the language.....how to say them and how to use them
The beginners guide to using a Smartphone; How to teach your granny
Listen to your parents
My secret life as.....(your choice)
Speeches are to be between 3-5 minutes in length.
You have an extra couple of days for this homework but your speech must be ready by Monday 5th September when we will have our class competition.
Ms Hampson is happy to listen to your speech at any time if you would like some feedback before class presentations.
Click on the link HERE for some speechwriting tips.
Term 3 Week 5
For homework this week your main task is to create an Olympic montage. For help with this go to the Kiwi Kids website: http://kiwikidsnews.co.nz/week-5-term-3-2016/
Remember that the password is fern16
If you need any help with homework this week, bring it in and show me.
Term 2 Week 6
This week there will be a mid term homework break due to the short week. Please continue to practice your times tables and keep reading each night.
Term 2 Week 4
This week you have 3 different tasks for homework.
There is a basic facts Maths sheet to complete.
An antonym worksheet to complete - remember that antonyms are two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite of each other.
Spelling also needs to be practiced every day and we will be testing these words on Friday.
At this level of the school there will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
Term 1 week 3
maths task this week is on Place Value.
that the value of the digit depends on its place in the number (e.g 283 = the 2
in this number is ‘valued’ at 200 because the ‘2’ is in the hundreds
place (2x100=200) 8 is ‘valued’ at 80 because the ‘8’ is in the tens place
(8x10=80) 3 is ‘valued’ at 3 because the ‘3’ is in the ones (or units) place
You are also expected to regularly
practice your basic facts each week, times tables and division facts in
particular. There are lots of online games and practice drills to help you with
At this level of the school there
will not be any books sent home for you to read. You are expected to be
responsible for your own reading for at least 20 minutes per night.
There will be no spelling homework
until our spelling assessments are completed in a few weeks.
week you will have spelling words to learn for our testing on Fridays.
★Choose 5 of your
spelling words and put each into a sentence.
each spelling word. You should set it
out like this . . .
1) We
eat our lunch in the middle of the day.
★Write your
spelling words in alphabetical order in your homework book.
week you will be given a maths sheet to complete for homework. This will be related to maths work we are
doing in class.
Bring your homework book back to school on Friday for marking.
Term 4 2014
Week 7, 8
You will have a maths worksheet and spelling lists to learn each week for homework. Make sure you are reading independently at home (choose a chapter book from the school library). We are having dress rehearsals soon for our school production, so make sure your costume is organised. There will be no homework in week 10.
Week 6
You will have a maths worksheet and spelling lists to learn this week for homework. Make sure you are reading independently at home (choose a chapter book from the school library). Get your costume organised for our school performance and bring it to school in a named plastic bag.
Week 5
You will have a maths worksheet and spelling lists to learn this week for homework. Make sure you are reading independently at home (choose a chapter book from the school library). Get your costume organised for our school performance and bring it to school in a named plastic bag.
Week 4
You will have a maths worksheet and spelling lists to learn this week for homework. Make sure you are reading independently at home (choose a chapter book from the school library). Keep learning our "Walk Like an Egyptian" dance! You need to know it off by heart.
Week 3
This is a short week and very busy with the Touch Rugby Tournament, so your homework is to complete the maths sheet (given to you by your teacher on Monday) and to learn your spelling words. Make sure you practice our Egyptian dance on the blog :)
Look at the two links below about Egypt and answer the following questions in your homework book.
1. Which official language is spoken in Egypt?
2. What is the capital city of Egypt?
3. Why is Egypt a very dry country?
4. What is the name of the river that runs through Egypt? Why is it special?
5. How many pyramids have been discovered in Egypt?
6. What were ancient Egyptians often buried with?
7. Which famous tomb was not robbed and when was it rediscovered?
8. Who was Tutankhamun?
Proportions and Ratios: See your teacher on Monday for your worksheet.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to practice each night.
Week 10_________________________________________________________________________
No homework for our last week of the term.
Week 9
Traditional Medicinal Plants of NZ
Use the following link from Te Papa Museum to help you to answer the following questions about how Maori used (and continue to use) native plants for medicine.
1. What is the Maori name for medicine?
2. Who was the person carefully selected to learn how to prepare and give the medicine?
3. What types of diseases did early European settlers bring to New Zealand that Maori people had no medicine to treat?
4. How do we know that early Maori people used these medicines?
5. Which plant did Captain Cook use to make a tea drink?
6. A medicine can be made from the roots of the Harakeke plant. What is it good for?
7. What shape is the leaf of the Kawakawa plant?
8. If you throw Kawakawa on a camp fire, what might it keep away?
9. Why do you need to be careful about eating or using these plants as medicine for yourself?
Mathletics: See your teacher on Monday.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to practice each night.
Book Report:
It's Book Week so this week your literacy task is to find a unique way to share some information about your favourite book or book character!
If you get stuck, here is a link to a blog with GREAT ideas that you might want to use. Be creative. We will share your work on our special 'Book Day' on Friday.
Mathletics: See your teacher on Monday.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to practice each night.
Week 7
Bird Quiz
Answer the following questions about native NZ birds in your homework book. Many of the answers can be found by visiting the Kiwi Conservation Club link below and using the search bar at the top right hand of the page.
Kiwi Conservation Club Link
1. The purple swamp hen, a bird often seen around much of New Zealand, is known by which Maori name?
A) Takahe
B) Kaka
C) Kiwi
D) Pukeko
2. When taking a walk through the bush in New Zealand you may often notice a little bird cheeping brightly and following you through the trees. This is the fantail. Why is it following you?
A) It knows that humans will scare away its main predator, the stoat.
B) It is looking for insects stirred up when people walk through the bush.
C) It has grown tame and is waiting for you to give it some of your sandwich.
3. Dr. G.B Orbell rediscovered this thought to be extinct bird in a glacial valley in the South Island in the 1940s. What was it?
A) Spotted Kiwi
B) Giant Moa
C) Takahe
D) Whio
A) Spotted Kiwi
B) Giant Moa
C) Takahe
D) Whio
4. The Chatham Island Black Robin was close to extinction in 1980 though it survived thanks to one breeding pair. One of the names of the robins in this breeding pair was 'Old Blue'. What was the other called?
A) Old Red
B) Old Yellow
C) Old Black
D) Old Robbo
A) Old Red
B) Old Yellow
C) Old Black
D) Old Robbo
5. The Tui is known as what in English, owing to the white tuft of feathers on its throat?
A) Parson's bird
B) Priestly bird
C) Vicar's bird
D) Lord's bird
A) Parson's bird
B) Priestly bird
C) Vicar's bird
D) Lord's bird
6. At night in the New Zealand bush you can hear the haunting call 'Morepork, Morepork' of the Morepork bird. What's it called in Maori?
A) Kaheha
B) Kouma
C) Ruru
D) Piwakawaka
A) Kaheha
B) Kouma
C) Ruru
D) Piwakawaka
We are continuing with Measurement this week.
See your teacher on Monday for your homework task.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
Daffodil day is a major fundraising event to support people living with cancer and to raise money for cancer research. The daffodil represents new life and new beginnings, which is something we wish for all people living with cancer.
Your task this week is to design a poster/pamphlet/postcard (digital is fine) to showcase what Daffodil Day is all about.
Include colourful images and some facts.
Click the link to find information;
Daffodil Day WebsiteMaths:
We are continuing with Measurement this week.
See your teacher on Monday for your homework task.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
Week 5
Next week Kotuku and Kereru classes will visit the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary for a hands-on forest experience for our topic. Read the passage below and visit the Brook Sanctuary website using the link to answer the questions related to the wild life you may see at the sanctuary.
Imagine a place... where native plants and animals thrive, without threat from introduced pests. ... alive with birdsong, where rare species such as kiwi, tuatara and kakapo roam freely. ... where you can get involved and make a difference. ... where visitors can see native flora and fauna close to home.
The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is a community-based initiative working to create a pest-free wildlife sanctuary close to the Nelson city centre in New Zealand. Integral to creating the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is construction of a pest-proof fence 14km long, to enclose the area, and to eradicate all the pest mammals within it. This will enable the re-creation of a historic piece of New Zealand which today is only found on a few offshore islands. Resident birds, reptiles and invertebrates will flourish and species previously lost from the area will be re-introduced. The project was launched in 2004 and has strong community involvement and support.
*Read the passage above from the Brook Sanctuary website*
1. Which rare species of New Zealand animal will be able to roam freely in the Brook Sanctuary?
2. Which pests do you think the workers need to keep out of the Brook Sanctuary?
3. Why do these pests need to be kept out?
4. Why do you think it is important to have a wildlife sanctuary where native flora and fauna can thrive?
Brook Waimarama Sanctuary
5. Click on the link above and then click on the name of each bird to see if it is found at the Brook Sanctuary. Name 5 birds you may see when we visit.
6. What is an invertebrate and which two live at the Brook Sanctuary?
This week we are beginning our Length and Weight unit for mathematics. See your teacher on Monday for your maths homework.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
Week 4
Speeches are due on MONDAY! Please be prepared. Thank you.
What a great visit we had to the Museum last week and you all learnt so much in
such a short time.
This week your homework task is to research and answer the following questions
related to plants.
Use the following website to help you find the answers.
1. What part of a plant makes food?
a. leaves b. stem c. roots
2. This pigment turns a plant green and helps it to make food.
a. photosynthesis b. leaves c. chlorophyll
3. What is the purpose of a plant's flower?
a. store food b. make seeds c. make food
4. This plant part is made of tiny tubes for carrying water, minerals, and food.
a. petals b. roots c. stem
5. A plant's food is glucose. Another word for glucose is...
a. chlorophyll b. flour c. sugar
6. Which of these is NOT needed for photosynthesis?
a. chlorophyll b. sunlight c. oxygen
7. What gas do plants release into the air?
a. oxygen b. hydrogen c. carbon dioxide
2. This pigment turns a plant green and helps it to make food.
a. photosynthesis b. leaves c. chlorophyll
3. What is the purpose of a plant's flower?
a. store food b. make seeds c. make food
4. This plant part is made of tiny tubes for carrying water, minerals, and food.
a. petals b. roots c. stem
5. A plant's food is glucose. Another word for glucose is...
a. chlorophyll b. flour c. sugar
6. Which of these is NOT needed for photosynthesis?
a. chlorophyll b. sunlight c. oxygen
7. What gas do plants release into the air?
a. oxygen b. hydrogen c. carbon dioxide
8. This part of a plant soaks up water and minerals. It also stores food.
a. roots b. leaves c. flowers
a. roots b. leaves c. flowers
You will be continuing to work on mastering your times tables and other basic facts. See your teacher on Monday for your maths homework.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
This week you will need to write out your speech and transfer your notes onto cue cards (your teacher will give these to you). Practice reading your speech aloud to your family and time yourself (it should take between 3 - 5 minutes). Remember to speak clearly, with good volume and enthusiasm and to use eye contact with your audience. You need to be ready to share your speech with your class during week 4.
See your teacher on Monday for your basic facts practice sheet.
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing
each night.
Term 3 Week 2Speeches:
This week you will begin to plan and draft your speech. We have briefly discussed this already in class. On Monday your teacher will give you a planning sheet and a judging sheet so you can get started. Speeches should be 3 - 5 mins in length.
The topics this year are:
Advertisements can be harmful.
Freedom of speech should have limits.
Boy bands should be banned.
Superman vs Superdad.
Age and experience is better than youth and enthusiasm.
Are humans more intelligent than other animals?
Basic Facts Practice: See your teacher.
Here is a link for you to practise your multiplication and division online:
Mult/Div Practice online
Record your spelling words in your homework book and remember to keep practicing each night.
No Homework in Week 1

Week 8
Religious Education
This week is the feast of Saint Paul. You will need to read the web page about Saint Paul and answer the questions below in your homework book.
Listen to the audio or read the passage about Saint Paul.
1. Why was Saul on his way to Damascus?
2. Finish this sentence. Saul fell to the ground and a voice said "Saul, Saul ......"
3. How long was Saul blinded for?
4. After Saul was healed, how did he feel and what did he decide to do?
5. Saul was guilty of many sins including the killing of Christians, but God forgave him of even such a great sin. God will forgive us of our sins if we ...?
See your teacher on Monday for a Multiplication and Division sheet to complete.
Learn your spelling words over the week ready for the test on Friday.
Week 7
Current Events
This week you will need to read the passage about the FIFA World Cup and answer the questions on the sheet pasted in your homework book.
See your teacher on Monday for the Time maths sheet to complete.
Learn your spelling words over the week ready for the test on Friday.
Last week Kereru and Kotuku excavated their Fossil Eggs from the sandpit and used their tools to discover a dinosaur. For homework this week you are to complete a mini-report about your dinosaur. Your teacher will give you a sheet to put your information on. Your report may be put on display, so make sure that it is neat and accurate.
Maths - Time
See your teacher on Monday to collect your Time maths sheet.
Learn your spelling words over the week ready for the test on Friday.
Welcome to Your Homework Page.
You are expected to complete your homework to the best of your ability.
Work should be completed in your homework book and is due back at school on Friday morning.
Homework Week 4 Term 2
Read/Listen to the story; 'Thank you Mr Falker' written by Patricia Polacco. This is a story about a girl who has Dyslexia - a type of reading difficulty (listen out for the unexpected twist at the end of the story....)
After listening to the story, complete the following:
1. Eric and other kids in the story bully Trisha. In a few sentences, explain why it is wrong to tease or to be mean to others.
2. If you were in the class with Trisha, what would you have done to make her feel better about herself?
If you would like to find out more about Dyslexia click Here
See your teacher on Monday to collect your basic facts maths practice sheet.
Remember to practice your facts by timing yourself and trying to complete them a little bit faster each time.
Your spelling words will be taken from your draft writing/topic books this week. See your teacher.
***Remember to keep your work tidy! Homework should be neat and you should be checking punctuation and spelling just as you do in other written work in the classroom***
Homework Week 3 Term 2
Click on the link from Te Papa and read about Joan Wiffen. Answer the following questions in full sentences. There is also a podcast on your blog for you to listen to Joan talking about her fossil finds.
Joan Wiffen was the first person to discover fossilised dinosaur bones in New Zealand. Before her discovery, experts believed that dinosaurs had never lived in New Zealand.
1. How did Joan find a likely place to start searching for fossils?
2. Joan was an amateur when she began fossil hunting. Was does that mean?
2. Joan was an amateur when she began fossil hunting. Was does that mean?
3. What was the first land-dwelling dinosaur bone that Joan found in the Mangahouanga stream?
4. Why were there no dinosaur experts in New Zealand to help Joan identify her finds?
5. What other kinds of dinosaurs did Joan discover?
6. Write five words to describe Joan Wiffen.
Learn your spelling words over the week ready for the test on Friday.
Here is a link to Quizlet which will help you to learn our topic words if you have included them in your weekly spelling test.
Your teacher will give you your Maths homework on Monday.
Homework Week 2 Term 2
Watch the video about fossils and answer the following questions.
Remember to use FULL sentences.
1. What does a Paleontologist do?
2. Write a brief description of what a fossil is.
3. What can we learn from Trace Fossils?
4. How do creatures get into Resin Fossils?
5. How are dinosaur bones, that have been buried for millions of years, exposed?
Learn your spelling words over the week ready for the test on Friday.
Your teacher will give you your Maths homework on Monday.
Welcome to your homework page.
You are expected to complete your homework to the best of your ability.
Work should be completed in your homework book and is due back at school on Friday morning.
Homework Term 1 Week 10
This week our syndicate will begin training for the Rod Dixon KiDSMARATHON programme. The aim of the programme is to encourage kids to get moving, become more active in order to reach their potential - intellectually, physically and socially and at the same time achieve a great personal running goal. Over the next 8 - 10 weeks we will log runs in our log books to complete a marathon. This is also an excellent build up to our school cross country.
Visit the Rod Dixon KiDSMARATHON website below to answer the following questions for your homework.
1. Where did Rod Dixon grow up?
2. Who inspired him to run?
3. What two moments are Rod Dixon's most memorable athletic triumphs? Why?
4. Why does Rod Dixon want to get children into running the Kids Marathon?
5. What is the motto of the programme? What does it mean?
1. Where did Rod Dixon grow up?
2. Who inspired him to run?
3. What two moments are Rod Dixon's most memorable athletic triumphs? Why?
4. Why does Rod Dixon want to get children into running the Kids Marathon?
5. What is the motto of the programme? What does it mean?
Check in with your teacher on Monday for your Geometry homework sheet.
Learn your words in your homework book. Remember, if you do not know what a word means, look it up in the dictionary or ask a family member.
Homework Term 1 Week 9
Congratulations to both Kereru and Kotuku students for the fantastic effort you all put in to creating a special flag for your classrooms.
Aylish and Tysen's wonderful designs were chosen to represent each class.
Solomon Islands
This week we have a visitor coming to talk with the year 4-6 students about the Solomon Islands.
Your task is to learn about the Solomon Islands and design a poster including information and images about what you have learnt.
If you have an iPad or other device you may create a digital poster (using Word, Pages, Pic Collage etc) and email it to your teacher if you don't have a printer.
Here are a couple of websites to get you started:
This week are beginning a new unit of learning that includes Symmetry.
Remember back to our City Walk when you had to draw the missing side of the lamp post? That was symmetry.
Your task this week to complete the drawings on your sheet using line symmetry.
Learn your words in your homework book. Remember, if you do not know what a word means, look it up in the dictionary or ask a family member.
Homework Term 1 Week 8
Class Flag
There was some great discussion and debate in both Kereru and Kotuku classes last week following our NZ flag homework. This week you need to design a class flag for a competition we are having in both Kereru and Kotuku classrooms. Your flag design needs to be simple, eye-catching and should represent your classroom. The winning designs (as voted by your class) will become the official flag on display in each room and you will win a prize! Set your design out neatly in your homework book. You should write an explanation of why you chose your symbols
and colours. Good luck!
Check in with your teacher on Monday to collect your basic facts homework sheet.
Write your 10 spelling words in your homework book. Learn your words for a test on Friday. If you do not understand the meaning of your words, look them up in a dictionary and put them into a sentence.
Homework Term 1 Week 7
Homework Term 1 Week 7
NZ Flag:
On 20 March 1834, 25 chiefs from the Far North and their followers gathered at Waitangi to choose a flag to represent New Zealand (NZ First Flag LInk)
180 years later, the Prime Minister has announced that later this year there will be a vote to decide if we should change the current NZ flag (NZ's Current Flag Link)
What do you think? Should we change our current flag? Why/why not?
Remember to give reasons for your answer.
Check in with your teacher on Monday to collect your basic facts homework sheet.
Write your 10 spelling words in your homework book. Learn your words for a test on Friday. If you do not understand the meaning of your words, look them up in a dictionary and put them into a sentence.
Homework Term 1 Week 6
Religious Education
On 17 March it is St Patrick's Day. Our school is having a St Patrick's fundraising dinner on Friday night. Your homework this week is to click on the link below and read the information about the patron saint of Ireland. Answer the following questions and set them out neatly in your homework book.
1. Why is St Patrick's Day celebrated on the 17th March?
2. What did St Patrick do to become the patron saint of Ireland?
3. What did St Patrick explain using a shamrock?
4. Watch the link below and write 3 more facts about St Patrick's day.
Check in with your teacher on Monday to collect your basic facts homework sheet. The following link is a fun way to learn your Basic Facts skills Maths Helper
You will have Essential word lists for homework. You need to check your sheet tomorrow to copy your words.
Welcome to your homework page.
are expected to complete your homework to the best of your ability.
Completed work is due back at school on Friday morning.
Completed work is due back at school on Friday morning.
Term 1 Week 4
Literacy/Topic: Abel Tasman
Click the link below to read an article about Abel Tasman then answer the following questions using full sentences. Make sure you read carefully.
Literacy/Topic: Abel Tasman
Click the link below to read an article about Abel Tasman then answer the following questions using full sentences. Make sure you read carefully.
1. Which
country did Abel Tasman sail from to New Zealand?
2. What
were the names of the two ships that sailed to New Zealand?
3. On
what date did Abel Tasman and his crew first sight New Zealand?
4. Where
did Abel Tasman and his crew anchor and make
first contact with the Maori
5. Why
did Tasman name the bay where he and his crew encountered the
Maori people,
“Murderer’s Bay”?
6. Why
is Tasman’s voyage a milestone in New Zealand history?
week you will be focussing on Place Value. Please see your teacher on Monday
for your maths homework sheet. You
should click on the link below to go to a place value block machine to help you
work out how many tens, hundreds and thousands are in each number. Use the + and – buttons to add and subtract
place value blocks to make each number.
Extra Topic Homework (optional)
As a fun activity for our topic, “Our Place” you may
like to take a photo of a toy (or paper person) at a Nelson landmark. Print out your photo to bring to school or
send it to your teacher to print. Don’t
tell anyone where your photo has been taken and we will display them on the
wall for others to guess in our “Where is this Nelson Landmark?”
competition! See your teacher for a
paper person template.
Great! I love homework! It's sooo fun! :]
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to show my class flag
ReplyDeleteI lost all my homework for week 9 because my Ipad Charger broke D:
ReplyDeleteHomework is soooo FUN !!!!!!!!! (: (: (: (:
ReplyDeletegreat blog jonty from dad