Thursday, 18 June 2015

Kotuku Cup

Congratulations to Nick for winning the Kotuku Cup in week 9!  Nick deserves the cup for putting full effort into The Steps Programme (spelling).  He has made big improvements in his spelling and writing over this term.  He demonstrates this commitment to the programme by completing his spelling homework every week.  Keep up the great effort Nick!


  1. hay guys its Cael here I'm having a great time in Ireland. I miss you guys so much. Oh so my mum has found a house to buy. Right now were at are uncle Tony's house there are some cute and fluffy dogs here called daisy and dolly. Mrs Trolle please tell the class I said ill never forget you guys and will talk to you soon and send you pictures. peace my friends

  2. AWESOME JOB NICK !!!!!!!
    from ronan

  3. Hay guys it's me again were now renting a house for a bit but soon will be in a proper house oh so my mum now has a Facebook account so now we can get in touch with my brother William so we can talk to him and we can get in touch with you guys me and my sisters all miss everyone at Saint Paul's catholic school I'll talk to you soon my friends peace my bros I miss you all

  4. Hay I'm back with amazing news I think my mum might of found the perfect house in gort so we can maybe settle down soon so I can talk to you guys more by the way it's cael oh and maybe my sisters finally realised that moving to Ireland did have some ups and downs but anyway I'll talk to you later my friends I'll comment on the blog soon bye bye guys talk to you soon

  5. top of the mornin to ya its me Carl again for more awesome news oh by the way my Irish voice is starting to kick in I'm sorry I haven't talked to you guy's in a while so maybe in about a year will have a house and then I can get a dog and my brothers coming to Ireland in September after he finishes school year so uhhhhhhhhh OH YA! I'm sorry I haven't talked to you guys for a while but we were really busy so now since we're not to busy I can talk to you uhh and I guess that's all for now buy guys miss you ������������������������������������������������⛄️������������������⛄️��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������⛄️⛄️����������������⛄️����������������������������������⛄️⛄️����������������������������������������

  6. Hay guys cael back once again for your information on the daily cael news at 5:10pm sooooo we have a house I've looked at the blog you guys have done a lot lately sorry once again for being so late and lazy are house isn't in gort it was too small we now have a giant house and are anti christen is staying the night at are house can you please wish me happy birthday for September the 5th 2015 I am nine at the moment LOL! I just love you guys in a friendly way OK!�� we do have wifi connection thanks to a nice man that just left and really do miss you guys sooooo much an ill never forget how long you've known me for Hamish you were my first ever friend since 2012 3 years ago I met you and I wish that I come back one day to see you I hope anyway goodby bros your so awesome and just reply for once ok I want to know what your doing and that's all for now bye bye (music) LOL ok bye!��������������������������������������
