Sunday, 15 November 2015

Kotuku Cup

Well done Jacob on winning the Kotuku Cup in week 5!  Jacob has recently joined Kotuku class and has settled in well and made lots of friends.  He works independently and completes all of his work to his best ability.  Keep up the great work Jacob :)


  1. Hey looks like you have a new kid in the class and apparently his name is Jacob hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm looks nice! Well here's the inside scoop there's a flooded field outside our house and my rooms finished we're fully moved in now and happy I hope you guys are happy too (and I'm saying this in a nice voice if you were wondering) and once again sorry for not talking to you guys that much and have you guys seen the new movie (Minions!) well that's all for now goodbye bros!. And its Cael by the way.

  2. Well done Jacob by winning from (Cael) you don't know me thou I live in Ireland.

  3. Wait there's another new kid in the class? Named Alice? Guys come on tell me these things!�� well how many new kids are there in the class? Not trying to be mean and I'm saying this in a nice calm voice.
